The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index


The Press
August 25 2005

Ellis verdict critics on weak ground
Letter to the Editor
by Tighe Instone,

I cannot say definitively that Peter Ellis is innocent or guilty of the crimes he has been convicted of but neither can Jonathon Harper, Martin van Beynen or Lynley Hood. Only Ellis and the children can do that.

Harper (August 17) believes that Ellis and others are "victims of hysteria" and van Beynen (August 20) refers to "the formidable Lynley Hood" and her "meticulous book".

Hood's book is structured around her theory of a "witch hunt", "hysteria" and a "city possessed".

In their New Zealand Law Journal article (September 2003), entitled Christchurch Creche Case: An Author Possessed, Auckland academics Emma Davies and Jeffrey Masson say that the "quality of scholarship" in the first three chapters of Hood's book is "poor" and that Hood carefully selected facts that fitted a "story" rather than documented a history of events. They are critical too of the way Hood uses old (1981) research to support her thesis but ignores more recent research (1996,1999) that does not.

Hood's recent allegations on National Radio (August 9) that therapists, police and prosecutors are "guilty of repeated misconduct" were surely hysterical (and possibly libellous), as was her statement that sex abuse workers believe that "all men are sexual predators and should not be allowed near women and children".

If Harper and van Beynen are working towards "integrity" and "justice" they are undermining their case by employing that particular book to support it.