The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index


The Dominion Post
August 31 2005

Peter Ellis
Letter to the Editor
by Alan Wilkinson

Linley Boniface (Dominion Post, 22 August) claims that child complainants in the Peter Ellis case have been "mocked, slandered, dismissed, ridiculed, and stripped of their right to speak".

Hardly. She apparently published an interview with two of them. Another parent/child family made lengthy if bizarre accusations against Peter Ellis on national radio. The recent parliamentary committee rejected the establishment of a commission of inquiry into the case partly on the grounds that the child complainants did not want to be exposed again to the requirement to give evidence.

Moreover, I have never seen any attempt to blame the children for what happened. That was always laid fairly and squarely at the feet of the supposed professionals and adults involved.  Those seeking justice for Peter Ellis including the man himself have always seen the children as fellow victims along with the other innocent creche workers.

So long now after those sadly mismanaged events in Christchurch there is little chance of proving to everyone's satisfaction what happened. The best that can be done is to recognise that the convictions were wholly unsafe because of the lack of any physical evidence whatsoever, the reliance by the court on very young children's evidence obtained in ways that would be inadmissible and unacceptable today and the suppression by the judge of parts of that evidence which could have been used by the defence to demonstrate unreliability.