The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index


The Press
September 5 2005

Strange letter
Letter to the Editor
by Jonathon Harper, Wellington

What a strange letter from Tighe Instone (August 25).

She says that I was "employing that particular book" (A City Possessed, by Lynley Hood) to support my published assertion that Peter Ellis was a victim of hysteria.

I quoted directly from Hood's recent statements, not her book.

I support Hood's book, along with nearly all the independent reviewers, including a previous head of psychology at Auckland University, Senior Professor Michael Corballis.

I base this on several very detailed independent analyses of the forensic interviews, the sequence of events, and my interviews with prosecution expert witness Dr Karen Zelas and a forensic interviewer.

Sociologists doctors Hill (Victoria University) and Newbold (Canterbury University) agree there was a kind of a witch-hunt, finding many historic parallels.

Masson's and Davies' review of Hood gave little weight to the probative weight of the "evidence" and the quality of the subsequent appeal processes.