The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index


The Dominion Post
September 6 2005

Ellis findings 'defied'

The solicitor-general is defying a select committee call for the Peter Ellis child abuse case to be fast-tracked to the Privy Council, the former childcare worker's lawyer says.

Judith Ablett-Kerr, QC, said last night she had received a letter from the solicitor-general saying an application for leave to appeal to the Privy Council would be treated the same as any other and legal aid was not being approved.

That meant the solicitor-general, Terence Arnold, QC, was not having regard for the recommendations of the justice and electoral committee, which rejected last month a petition seeking a royal commission into the case but said it should go to the Privy Council using legal aid.

Mr Ellis, a former Christchurch Civic Creche worker, was convicted in 1993 of abusing children at the centre and served two-thirds of a 10-year sentence. He has always maintained the abuse did not happen.