The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index


The Press
September 6 2005

Not proof
Letter to the Editor
Tighe Instone, Tangimoana


I'd like to point out to R. Christie (Sept 2) that "dozens of overwhelmingly positive reviews" are not proof that Lynley Hood's theory about a witch hunt, driven by feminists and culminating in the Christchurch Civic Creche case, is necessarily correct.

Hood's theory falls down when she credits feminists with so much power that they were able to influence government departments, the police and the judiciary. Certainly feminists were successful (after many years of lobbying) in getting improvements made to domestic violence laws and sexual harassment policies, but feminism has always been a minority view and to attribute it with the sort of power that Hood does is simply ridiculous.

May I assume that R. Christie agrees with Hood that therapists, police and prosecutors are "guilty of repeated misconduct" and sex abuse workers believe that "all men are sexual predators and should not be allowed near women and children"?