The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index


The Press
September 7 2005

Truth starts to bite
Letter to the Editor
by Nancy Sutherland, St Albans

At the bottom of Tighe Instone's go at critics of the Ellis case (August 25) is not shoddy research by Lynley Hood, but the truth starting to bite.

This is clear from the select committee's recommendations for Privy Council referral, a criminal cases review body, attention to legal aid quality and accessibility and reviewed practices over evidence and psychological expertise. It is also clear from National promising an inquiry.

The criticisms that Hood should have used more recent research (1996, 1999) don't wash: Ellis was arrested in 1992.

Time will tell if therapists, police and prosecutors are guilty of misconduct in false rape and molestation allegations.