The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2005 Index


Australia & New Zealand Law & History Society

The Australian and New Zealand Law and History Society was formed in 1993.It is an interdisciplinary group of scholars who share an interest in the connnections between law and history.The society grew out of the annual Law in History Conferences, which have been running since 1982. Members of the society include historians, lawyers, academics and others interested in the area. Most of the members live in Australia or New Zealand, but their areas of interest are not confined to the law in those places



Australia and New Zealand
Law & History E-Journal

2005 Abstracts

The Peter Ellis Case: A Witch-hunt in All but Name
by Lynley Hood, Independent Scholar

Between the mid-15th and mid-18th centuries, most educated Europeans believed in the existence of clandestine devil-worshipping cults that engaged in infanticide and obscene sexual orgies.

In the 1980s, the same tawdry recycled images resurfaced as Ritual Satanic Abuse.

Nowadays, accused child molesters, rather than accused witches, are stereotyped, demonised and persecuted.

Apart from that, little has changed. Then as now, authorities regarded the loathed offence as crimen exceptum, a crime unlike any other. In 1580, Jean Bodin wrote: "Proof of such evil is so obscure and difficult that not one out of a million witches would be accused or punished if regular legal procedures were followed."

According to historians, while accusations against witches usually came from the common people, it was the law changes that swept away the rights of suspects to a fair trial, and the near universal acceptance by a normally sceptical judiciary that the coerced evidence of witchcraft was reliable, that led to the execution of around 50,000 innocent people.

This paper examines recent changes in New Zealand laws and procedures for the investigation and prosecution of sexual offences that have transformed child molestation into crimen exceptum, with particular reference to the Ellis case.