The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2006 Index


National Business Review
January 23 2006

Burton will consider Thorp report on miscarriages of justice

The Justice Minister says he will look into a report that calls for the creation of an independent body to investigate miscarriages of justice.

After a two-year investigation, retired High Court Judge Sir Thomas Thorp warned that up to 20 people could be wrongly incarcerated in New Zealand's jails.

His calls for the creation of an independent body are backed by the Law Society and the Criminal Bar Association who say it will fill a gap in the legal system.

Justice Minister Mark Burton says that when a respected figure like Sir Thomas Thorp makes such a report, it has to be taken seriously.

He says he will analyse the findings and ask the advice of the legal community before making any decisions.

National Party leader Don Brash has joined calls for the creation of an independent body to identify miscarriages of justice.

Dr Brash says the case of former day-care worker Peter Ellis, who was convicted of 16 charges of sexual abuse against children, highlights the need for a new way of doing things.