The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2006 Index
Brash backs Independent Justice Panel

January 23 2006;  10:52
by David Farrar

Not surprised but pleased Don Brash has backed the proposal by a former Judge for an independent body to identify miscarriages of justice.

Don, and Katherine Rich, have been active supporters of an inquiry into the Peter Ellis case.





January 23 2006;  17:09
by [email protected]

I hate to say it, but I think Brash/Rich are correct about this. I understand that the real obstacle is the attitude of the bureaucrats in the Ministry of "Justice" [sic] and Crown Law, who are adamantly opposed to any challenges to the system. I think this attitude, and its enduring currency, speaks volumes about the real power relationship within our system of government. I am sceptical, though, whether a National government would really challenge the demands of its high-level bureaucrats. In my experience, National governments tolerate injustice to a far greater extent that Labour did before it took office in 1999. But if Brash and co really mean what they say (and I doubt it), then good on them.