The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2006 Index


The Press
January 28 2006

NZ needs independent judicial watchdog
Letter to the Editor
by Paula Weir, Rolleston

The public could mistakenly think that the Peter Ellis case was a rarity and therefore there is no need for an independent body to investigate the dangers of convictions based on an alarming lack of evidence, overwhelming alibis, collusion and corroboration amongst witnesses producing character assassinations, and false assumptions that have in some cases been coerced by over zealous police officers, psychiatrists, social workers, counsellors and others who keep the sexual abuse industry alive and thriving.

The practice of bringing historical allegations of rape where there is no corroborating evidence is still common. While this continues, innocent men will go to jail having been falsely accused on hearsay, families will continue to be torn apart and stripped of their financial assets, ACC will continue to pay out on fraudulent claims, counsellors will continue to get rich and encourage accusations that are unsafe, and police officers will continue to get promoted and carry on the same chain of events until someone has the courage to stand up and say enough evil has been done.