The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2006 Index


Newstalk ZB
April 6 2006; 8:48

Ellis's lawyer wants Privy Council hearing

A petition seeking leave to appeal to the Privy Council will be filed by lawyers for convicted paedophile Peter Ellis.

Ellis maintained his innocence throughout his jail term for abusing children at the former Christchurch Civic Creche in the 1990s.

In August last year the Justice and Electoral Select Committee recommended the Attorney-General not oppose, or oppose only in principle, any application by Ellis for leave to appeal to the Privy Council.

However the matter has not been addressed due to the Attorney-General role being passed from Michael Cullen to David Parker and back to Dr Cullen.

Ellis's lawyer Judith Ablett-Kerr QC says rather than continue with further bureaucratic negotiation she is petitioning the Privy Council in a bid to have the case heard in the second half of this year.