The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

News Reports - Main Index

2006 Index

National Party
December 12 2006

Don Brash Valedictory Speech
by Don Brash



..... I even take some satisfaction on issues where I demonstrably failed.

Shortly after entering politics, my son Alan persuaded me to read Lynley Hood's book "A City Possessed", a book that tells the story of the conviction of Peter Ellis in the early nineties. I found it profoundly disturbing.

Of course, I don't know whether Peter Ellis is guilty or not, but Lynley Hood's book raises some very serious questions about his conviction.

I take satisfaction that Katherine Rich and I were able to mount a substantial petition calling on the government to set up a Commission of Inquiry into the matter - and have it signed by two former Prime Ministers, eleven law professors, eleven Queens Counsel, and many other prominent New Zealanders, including members from most of the parties in this House.

We failed to get an inquiry established; Peter Ellis remains convicted; but hopefully there's at least some additional awareness of the dangers of convicting on the basis on which Peter Ellis was convicted.