The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
February 3 2007

Unsuitable advocate
Letter to the Editor
by Ross Francis, Masterton

Freda Briggs' remarkable claim that teachers should watch for signs of child sexual abuse (Jan 31) cannot go unanswered.

I doubt that Ms Briggs' research has been published in a reputable peer- reviewed journal. Any expert worth their salt knows that there are no signs or behaviours that are symptomatic of child sexual abuse. Indeed, non-abused children can and do exhibit the same behaviours as abused children.

I understand Freda Briggs is an avowed believer in the ritual sexual abuse phenomenon, which first appeared in the early 1980s with the notorious McMartin and Kelly Michaels cases. It has resulted in untold distress to children, the wrongly accused and their families. It is generally regarded as a myth, propagated by well meaning but misguided child advocates.

Politicians, teachers, parents, and police should steer well clear of Ms Briggs. She is not an appropriate person to lecture us on how to identify or prevent child sexual abuse.