The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Waikato Times
February 5 2007

Child abuse
Letter to the Editor
by R Christie, Christchurch

Freda Briggs (Waikato Times letters January 31) implores teachers to maintain vigilance in looking for "signs" and "changes in children's behaviour" as indicative of sexual abuse.

While the aim of protecting children is commendable, teachers must understand there are no signs or behaviours that are diagnostic of sexual abuse.

A 1993 review of 45 studies in the reputable Psychological Bulletin stated "the findings suggest the absence of any specific syndrome in children who have been sexually abused"

So-called sexualised behaviours, which are not always well defined by researchers, can be exhibited by children who have not been sexually abused.

To rely on such behaviours as evidence of abuse can result in innocent people becoming embroiled in false accusations, confusion for children, anxiety for parents, and the wasting of police resources.

As the Peter Ellis case aptly demonstrated, hyper vigilance based upon poor science can also be damaging to society.