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The Press
February 9 2007

Reputable authority
Letter to the Editor
by Hetty Johnston
Executive director, Bravehearts Inc
Springwood, Queensland

Re the letter to the editor (Feb 3) by Ross Francis, of Masterton, in relation to Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs AO, clearly Francis has not a clue when it comes to child protection.

Professor Briggs is a leader in the area of child protection in Australia, New Zealand and indeed around the world. She is the patron for our children's charity, Bravehearts Inc, and is highly regarded by all who share the vision of a world where children's safety is a priority.

I find it remarkable that this letter was printed in your paper at all. That members of the public have different and particular views on child protection is unfortunate but goes unchallenged. However, for an otherwise reputable publication to print such factually flawed, unsubstantiated, false, derogatory comments about an outstanding child protection advocate is inexcusable.

You owe Professor Briggs a huge apology.