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The Press
February 10 2007

Exemplary record
Letter to the Editor
Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs, AO
University of South Australia, Adelaide

I wish to register my strongest dismay at a letter published in The Press (Feb 3) from Ross Francis, of Masterton. Mr Francis has a right to express his own opinion but no right to discredit my credentials as a researcher, in the field of child protection, without doing his homework.

That the editor of The Press would allow the letter to be published without checking the facts is slipshod and ultimately damaging.

Both Mr Francis and the editor should understand that a person does not become a university professor without publishing extensively in peer-reviewed journals.

The research referred to in the letter, undertaken on behalf of the New Zealand police, was presented at several peer-reviewed conferences, including the Australasian Conference on Child Abuse and Neglect, held in Wellington in February 2006.

Following that, the findings were published in the Social Policy Journal of New Zealand, November 2006.

Mr Francis's urging that "politicians, teachers, parents and police should steer well clear of Ms Briggs. She is not an appropriate person to lecture us on how to identify or prevent child sexual abuse" is outrageous.

I have a history of employment as a police officer, social worker and teacher, and have lectured, researched and published 15 books and hundreds of articles in the child-protection-related field over 36 years.

I have been a consultant to the New Zealand Police Youth Education Service for 21 years, consultant to the Australian Minister for Education for his Safe School Framework, consultant to Rotary International for its child-protection policy, consultant to Avon and Somerset Police for their child-safe programme, and received 12 awards for services to Australian and New Zealand children, including Senior Australian of the Year 2000-01 and the Order of Australia in 2005.