The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
February 16 2007

Still cleaning up
Letter to the Editor
by R. Christie, Addington


Rather than be condemned by Hetty Johnson (Feb 9), Ross Francis and The Press should be commended for enlightening readers in regard to Freda Briggs.

Briggs recently made alarming claims of levels of abuse within unidentified New Zealand schools . The public has every right to know that Briggs also endorses claims of the widespread existence of ritual abuse rings. Such claims originate in the lunatic fringe of the child protection movement. We should scrutinise the judgement of those who promote them.

A simple search for the publication endorsed by Briggs, Ritual Abuse and Torture in Australia will alert readers to the material that Francis is alarmed about, especially since Briggs is apparently advising our policy makers.

The early 1990s was the last period when such advocates were given undue credence. Fallout from the Ellis case shows that we are still cleaning up the mess.