The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
February 17 2007

Treat with caution
Letter to the Editor
by Ross Francis, Masterton

Freda Briggs (Feb 10) has again attempted to mislead your readers.

In an earlier letter she stated that 44% of boys and girls from two special schools had been sexually abused. This claim was false, I believe. Last year Briggs told a conference, in relation to this research, that "only 32% of female respondents disclosed these [sexual] offences to researchers".

Briggs's figures should be treated with caution. There is no way of verifying if they are correct. Apparently only a handful of the cases of alleged abuse resulted in prosecution. It is not known how many resulted in convictions. Child abuse researchers usually explain how they have substantiated claims of abuse. In this case Briggs has not done so.

As I suspected, her research findings appear in what is basically a newsletter for social policy analysis. I consider many important details are missing from her research, making it unsuitable for publication in what I regard as a reputable journal.

An online search of a large social sciences research database reveals that, since 1982, Briggs has published ten journal articles. This puts into context her claim, made in her last letter, that she has published hundreds of articles. Significantly, as far as I know she has published no research into the interviewing of child abuse victims.

Researchers are required to be ethical and impartial. From what I've seen I'm not sure Freda Briggs is either.