The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
February 21 2007

Appropriate warning
Letter to the Editor
by Brian Robinson, Hamilton

Freda Briggs may be dismayed at criticism from Ross Francis (The Press, Feb 10), but Francis provided important and appropriate warnings about Briggs.

Briggs beliefs in ritual abuse are shown, I believe, in a recent publication "Ritual abuse and torture in Australia". Most now view such beliefs as a quaint aberration. However, Christchurch residents and Peter Ellis in particular have had the experience of the Christchurch Creche case and know that such beliefs are a dangerous aberration.

Briggs reminds us she has an impressive CV. It is not surprising that National MP Paul Hutchison should accept published claims that 44% of children at two schools had been abused. Examining the actual report, however, we find that such exaggerated data is merely based on what "school counsellors indicated."

New Zealand needs more scholarship and objectivity, and less hysteria, than that generated by visits from Australia by Freda Briggs.