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The Press
February 21 2007

My record distorted
Letter to the Editor
by Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs AO, Adelaide

Is there no limit to the misinformation that The Press is prepared to print? First, our research, Safety Issues in the Lives of Children with Learning Disabilities, was said to lack validity because it hadn't been "peer reviewed", when it was published in a New Zealand journal that requires approval by an editorial committee and at least two external specialist referees for double blind peer review.

The same correspondent also alleged that I lacked qualifications, despite being a university professor.

The Press could have checked the facts before printing more vitriol from people who appear to be in denial that child abuse occurs. But no, I'm now accused of endorsing claims of "widespread existence of ritual abuse rings" in Australia.

Anyone who took the trouble to check the document referred to by R. Christie (Feb 16) would see that this is also false; I merely endorsed a foreword written by Dr Marie O'Neill, an eminent psychologist who has spent most of her life working with abuse victims. In addition, had your correspondent checked international data he would have found that a 44 per cent sex-abuse rate is not unusual for children with disabilities.

We did "take the trouble" to check the document referred to by R Christie. Freda Briggs claims to have "merely endorsed a foreword written by Dr Marie O'Neill". This is the actual foreword, clearly written by both Freda Briggs and Marie O'Neill.

Ritual Abuse &Torture in Australia
Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse [Australia]


ASCA is to be congratulated on producing this very important paper.

Although there are more than six million documents on the Internet addressing the issue of ritual abuse, few take as fair and comprehensive approach as this; many of the writings deny the existence of ritual abuse despite masses of evidence to the contrary. As a consequence, some victims are persistently re-abused psychologically by having to deal with the fact that organised abusers, their defenders and even police refute their realities and dismiss their reports as fantasy or mental illness.

Here, ASCA has, using everyday language and logical and objective detail, set out essential information for health professionals, and most importantly for survivors of ritual abuse. They point out the critical need for survivors to absorb this information under the care and guidance of a trusted counsellor. The last section is probably the most important, advising survivors that recovery is possible but it 'does not occur in a linear fashion'; it's unpredictable and survivors must take very good care of themselves.

This is an important document that should be shared by clinicians with medical and legal professionals.


Freda Briggs AO

Emeritus Professor in Child Development

(University of South Australia)


Dr Marie O'Neill AM


(Clinical and Forensic)
Freda Briggs says she "is accused of endorsing claims of "widespread existence of ritual abuse rings" in Australia" Reproduced below is the Executive Summary of the same publication.


Ritual Abuse &Torture in Australia
Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse [Australia]

Executive Summary


Part I: Ritual Abuse and Torture in Australia


Ritual abuse is a global phenomenon. Ritual abuse is recognised by the United Nations as a significant factor in the international trafficking of women and children.

Ritual abuse occurs in Australia. Ritually abusive groups have been uncovered during police investigations in Australia, and group members have been successfully prosecuted before a court of law.

Ritual abuse is a core practice within subcultures of extreme criminality. Ritual abuse is a practice closely associated with child prostitution, child pornography, and drug smuggling.

Ritual abuse is a complex crime and perpetrators are difficult to categorise. The intersection of familial abuse, torture, organised paedophilia and 'cultic' ritual puts such perpetrators in a unique category.

Victims of ritual abuse are children and adults from all walks of life. As a consequence of having endured extreme levels of torture and trauma, victims frequently experience a diversity of complex mental and physical health issues and needs, which characteristically go unmet.

A culture of disbelief compromises the human rights of survivors. A culture of ignorance and denial on behalf of authorities and the community prevents ritual abuse survivors from realising their basic rights to safety, health and justice.
Is there no limit to the misinformation that Freda Briggs is prepared to write?