The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
February 22 2007

Thanks to Briggs
Letter to the Editor
by Dr Cathy Kezelman
National media spokesperson, ASCA
Bellevue Hill, Sydney

It is with horror that I observe the concerted effort to discredit the expert opinion of Professor Freda Briggs over the last two weeks.

We, as a society and individuals, have sought for too long to deny the confronting realities of sexual abuse within our communities.

Professor Briggs's qualifications and experience are beyond dispute and attempts to discredit her are offensive at best. It is her courage, determination and integrity in the face of uninformed denial that allow her to lead the way in breaking the silence on child abuse, and it is her expertise that has established her irrefutable credentials in the area of child protection.

The ritual abuse and torture paper, released in April 2006 by Advocates for Survivors of Child Abuse (ASCA), is a well researched and documented study in an area all too readily dismissed by those who would rather deny such truths. As the incidence of substantiated abuse rises, it is crucial that we face the facts, no matter how unpalatable. Thanks to Professor Briggs for refusing to be silenced by ignorance and fear.