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The Press
February 24 2007

Abuse not on list
Letter to the Editor
by Ross Francis

Emeritus Professor Freda Briggs (Feb 21) suggest I'm in denial that child abuse occurs. Such a comment is unworthy of someone in her position.

Far from being vitriolic, I pointed out that to my knowledge Briggs has published few articles in reputable peer-reviewed journals. It is not clear to me if the University of South Australia was aware of this when it appointed her to her current position.

On her web page is a list of areas in which she claims to have expertise. Child sexual abuse is not on that list.

She claims that a 44 per cent sex-abuse rate is not unusual for children with disabilities. A 2003 literature review, published in the British Journal of Psychiatry, concluded that unfortunately the vast majority of the studies reviewed did not report on the certainty of abuse having occurred.

Being certain that abuse has occurred is vital when making claims about its incidence. It is possible that the sex-abuse incidence rate in Briggs's study was inflated by the inclusion of non-abused children. Researchers are usually happy to explain the limitations of their research. It would be helpful if Freda Briggs explained the limitations of hers.