The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
February 24 2007

Think about that
Letter to the Editor
by N. and G. Schmidt

Shoal Bay, NSW

Now that Lynley Hood (Feb 20) has entered the debate about Professor Freda Briggs, we know what this is really all about - the continuing refusal of some Christchurch people to accept that Peter Ellis was guilty.

Training teachers and child-care workers in child-protection does not result in false allegations; it results in fewer mistakes.

In a case we know of, when children told their teachers they'd been used to provide oral sex the teachers ignored them. When they drew explicit pictures of oral sex they were reprimanded for being rude.

Teachers need to know the difference between normal sexual curiosity and behaviour that indicates that children have been sexually abused, and they need to know how to handle the latter sensitively and responsibly.

Had those children's teachers been trained to report what had happened, it is unlikely that their abusers would have gained custody and been able to take the children to live overseas.

Children are suffering and having their lives ruined because of a lack of knowledge and denial in our community and education system. Think about that, Lynley Hood.