The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
February 27 2007

Created hysteria
Letter to the Editor
by Ian Scott, Christchurch Central

I have little sympathy for the so-called victims of the Christchurch civic creche affair (Feb 24).

The furore in Christchurch at the time of the event can largely be attributed to the poor handling of the complaints by the then city manager, social-welfare interviewers, the police and the many so-called experts.

Parents of children at the creche who eagerly lined up for ACC payments must also accept some of the blame. The children of parents who did not join the rush for ACC payments and were sceptical of the rushed process do not seem to be suffering in the same way as those who had been brainwashed into believing that they were victims.

Our daughter, who was one of the accused childcare workers, suffered greatly as well, as did all the accused.

We, as a family, were subjected to anonymous hate telephone calls, and our daughter was hounded and harassed and prevented from working in her chosen profession, and suffered a serious reduction in her earning capacity as an early childhood teacher.

Your one-sided article contributes nothing to the debate over the case, which, as you note, is still in progress.