The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
February 28 2007

Parents in dilemma
Letter to the Editor
by Gaye Davidson, Christchurch Central

The article about the children from the Christchurch civic creche (Feb 24) raised salient points.

We, the staff of the creche, always wondered if the moneys paid by ACC would stop parents from acknowledging the huge injustice to their children and staff of the creche, in case they had to pay it back, as highlighted in this article.

David is being very realistic in laying the responsibility of his son's behavioural problems with the boy's mother.

She refused to believe her son when he said nothing had happened and demanded he tell her everything. Then she directly questioned him about the alleged sexual abuse, against the police's advice (The Press, Dec 8, 1993).

The dilemma for some of the parents, about the decision they made over a decade ago and the realisation that it was wrong, must be hard to come to terms with. But over the years we have heard news of families who now believe they and their children's trust were abused by the then Social Welfare Department.