The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
March 1 2007

Wallowing in it
Letter to the Editor
by Alan Wilkinson, Russell

Is there any professional child care worker in New Zealand who believes Peter Ellis was guilty? Is there anyone in New Zealand of sound mind who believes that the female co-workers who were initially prosecuted with him at the same time and on similar manufactured evidence were guilty?

I suggest that instead of wallowing in ACC compensation and bleating about their lives (Feb 24), the now adult "creche children" should research all the other worldwide similar cases of hysterical accusations of child abuse against innocent childcare workers that occurred at that time and were supported by incompetent interviewing techniques and psychologists.

They should note the remedial actions that have occurred around the world to vindicate and compensate those wrongly accused and imprisoned.

Then they should denounce those who victimised Peter Ellis and blighted their own lives. That would be a constructive action for both themselves and others. The website at offers ample pointers to such research.