The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
March 9 2007

Rape trial verdicts highlight victims' problems
Letter to the Editor
Tighe Instone, Tangimoana

The police sex cases highlight the enormous difficulties facing those who have been sexually assaulted and seek justice through the courts. The cases also made it clear that the likelihood of a conviction based on a false allegation is negligible.

Despite the prevailing difficulties, 14 years ago a group of courageous children, supported by their families, gave evidence in court and they were believed. Ever since the Ellis conviction there have been allegations made about a panic that led to hysteria throughout Christchurch and culminated in a witch-hunt. Such claims ignore the statements of people who were actually involved with the Civic Creche and who say it was all very hush-hush and confidential.

Psychologist Maryanne Garry (March 2) is right when she says the abuse machine rolls on. She obviously does not care at all about the impact her article might have on the wellbeing of the children who are now young adults and will no doubt read it.