The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
March 13 2007

Chaos on the way
Letter to Editor
by Brian Priestley, Sumner

How are we to find out about smacking? Should children dob their parents in at police stations, or is it a job for neighbours, family, teachers, or ex-partners with a grudge?

How many offences against a new law can we expect a day? If taps on the wrist are counted, we can hardly plan for less than 1000, so do our police, social workers and teachers have the people to cope?

After all, the Ellis case showed us the problems surrounding young children's evidence are many and time consuming especially perhaps, when they concern dad and mum.

And what about teenagers during that awful period when they have the worst parents in the world?

Perhaps MPs are about to pass another law that would collapse immediately if it were properly enforced. The danger is that the really serious cases are even more likely to be lost in the chaos.