The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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April 5 2007

Inside New Zealand:
What's your verdict - Peter Ellis

This week, Inside New Zealand: What’s Your Verdict? summons 12 people to assess the guilt or innocence of Peter Ellis, the man accused of sexually abusing children at the Christchurch Civic Childcare Centre.

What’s Your Verdict? Is the innovative Inside New Zealand documentary series where a hand-picked jury examines old and new evidence presented in several of the country’s most notorious and controversial crime cases.

The series puts the New Zealand jury system to the test, as the treatment of an accused person by police, the media and the courts tells us a great deal about the state of the nation.

Our collective honesty, integrity and prejudices are never more exposed than during a big trial.

Following complaints from parents of children at Christchurch’s Civic Child Care Centre where Ellis worked, police launched an investigation into allegations of sexual abuse in 1991.

Four months later, Peter Ellis and four of his female co-workers were arrested on multiple charges.

The charges against the other crèche workers were eventually dropped, but despite his strenuous denials and questions about the reliability of the children’s evidence, Ellis was found guilty on 16 counts of abuse and sentenced to ten years imprisonment.

But with no adult eyewitnesses and no physical evidence, the convictions relied on the inconsistent and, at times, bizarre evidence from the children. Was this enough?

Ellis, now free, continues his fight to clear his name. He and his supporters see him as a victim of a modern day “witch-hunt”.

What does our new jury make of the evidence presented to them? Will their opinions be altered with new evidence which has come to hand after the court case?

Get an inside look at the jury procession on Inside New Zealand: What’s Your Verdict – Peter Ellis, screening Thursday, April 5 at 8:30pm.