The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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One News
May 11 2007

Karam critical of legal system

David Bain's most staunch advocate says New Zealand needs to take a look at its legal system.

Bain has been serving a life sentence with a minimum non-parole period of 16 years for the murder of his parents and three siblings in 1994.

Joe Karam has broken the news to his friend in Christchurch Prison that he no longer has convictions to his name after the Privy Council quashed them. He says Bain was somewhat dumbfounded when he heard the news. Karam says when he finally got his words out he said "thank you Joe thank you".

Karam says as a result of the NZ system Bain has suffered a double tragedy, having lost his family and become a victim of the state. He says authorities In New Zealand need to consider better ways of dealing with mistakes when they are made.

The Privy Council found a substantial miscarriage of justice took place at Bain's1995 trial. 

In light of the decision United Future leader Peter Dunne believes it is time to review the rules of evidence and court procedure.

Dunne says the ruling in the Bain case raises serious concerns about the way evidence is presented to juries. He says in the last decade alone, there have been questions about the convictions of Peter Ellis, Rex Haig and others.

He says the reality is the process around evidence is far more selective than people are led to believe.