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Newstalk ZB
May 12 2007

Bain case could prompt reforms

Helen Clark believes the Solicitor General will want to take a look at the law of evidence, following the Privy Council ruling on the David Bain case.

She says the law of evidence was comprehensively reformed in Parliament in the last couple of years, but Miss Clark says more issues may need to be considered.

She says the Solicitor General will study the Privy Council's decision and then determine where the New Zealand court system goes from there.

Meanwhile the Greens are renewing their call for an independent criminal appeals office, following the Privy Council's ruling.

MP Nandor Tanczos says the appellate system is incapable of dealing with certain types of cases. He says several other countries have introduced some kind of review body as a result.

Mr Tanczos says an independent office was recommended by Sir Thomas Thorp in his 2006 report on miscarriages of justice. He says it is important New Zealanders can continue to have confidence in the justice system, and vital the government implements Sir Thomas's recommendation