The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
May 18 2007

Fine line between mob rule and mood of nation
Letter to the Editor
by Michael Goodson, Richmond

I wonder where the distinction lies between mood of the nation and mob rule. Joe Karam and others are impressed by a mood that now deems David Bain not a mass murderer, but mob or popular sentiment can be a very fickle and treacherous instrument, and God help us if it ever comes to lead judicial decisions.

Over a decade and a half ago, mob opinion helped convict Peter Ellis, who is now widely believed to be innocent, and, reversing the phenomenon, the mood of the nation now seems set to exonerate Mr Bain.

I still believe him to be guilty, and base this little informed opinion on the message found on the family computer. If Robin were the murderer, as the message implies, the message would be a suicide note, and would follow the almost invariable pattern of such sad documents. It would combine regret, apology, farewell, and some sort of explanation, briefly or at length. It is almost impossible to believe that a suicide left the message as found.

The jurors at David's trial seemed to agree that such a message represents, beyond doubt, the clumsy and ill-considered attempt of a confused and terrified young man to shift blame, and create a smokescreen. It is so blatantly self- serving that it can hardly have been the work of Robin Bain.