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The Dominion Post
May 26 2007

Project Innocence a positive move
Letter to the Editor
by Paula Weir, Christchurch

I'm absolutely delighted by Maryanne Garry's decision to start a well- respected project such as the Innocence Project in New Zealand (May 17).

We're fortunate to have a well- respected and renowned expert available to head this much-needed team, and her insight into ``recovered memory'', witness credibility in historical cases, and the unethical behaviour of counsellors and therapists that can gravely affect the outcome of major cases, will be a real asset.

Though it's extremely disappointing that miscarriages of justice keep occurring because of the failure by police and the Crown to investigate evidence, alibis, phone and computer records adequately, or indeed to acknowledge negative dna evidence because they believe in a person's guilt from the outset, a positive move such as this might be what is needed to raise public confidence that a check is being kept on poor police investigations.

With the release of David Bain, and the huge cloud that will forever remain over the Peter Ellis conviction, it's obvious that we've had enough of malicious and pyrrhic prosecutions, and the subsequent waste of taxpayer dollars, along with the psychological destruction of wrongfully accused individuals and their families.