The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
June 14 2007

Press Council Wrong,
Letter to the Editor
by R Christie, Addington

The New Zealand Press Council should be censured over its recent decision to uphold a complaint made by Freda Briggs on grounds of unfairness (June 13). Rather than address valid criticism of her exaggerated claims of child abuse within NZ schools, Briggs, since abetted by the Press Council, closed criticism down by misrepresenting claims made by her critics.

In the course of debate Briggs claimed that her critics alleged that she lacked qualifications; that her critics were in error in claiming she supported claims of wide-spread existence of ritual abuse groups; that her critics deny the existence of child abuse. None of these claims are supported by the record.

Who was being unfair to whom?

The Press Council's ruling sets an unsettling precedent in a forum designed to encourage debate.