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NZ Government
1 October, 2007

New appointment for the Law Commission
Mark Burton

Minister Responsible for the Law Commission Mark Burton announced today that, on his recommendation, Val Sim has been appointed as a member of the Law Commission.

Section 9 of the Law Commission Act 1985 provides for the membership of the Law Commission of no less than 3, and no more than 6, members. Members are appointed by the Governor-General on the recommendation of the Minister Responsible for the Law Commission.

The Commission currently comprises the President, The Right Honourable Sir Geoffrey Palmer, and four Commissioners – Dr Warren Young, Professor John Burrows QC, Ms Helen Aikman QC and Mr George Tanner QC.

“I believe Ms Sim has experience which will be invaluable to the Law Commission in a number of projects it is currently undertaking in the criminal law and criminal justice area,” said Mark Burton.

Ms Sim’s legal background spans 27 years and includes twelve years as a manager and a brief period as a sole barrister and solicitor. She joined the Department of Justice in 1992 as a Senior Legal Advisor, leaving the organisation in 2004 when she was Chief Legal Counsel. Ms Sim is currently the Team Leader of the Human Rights Team at the Crown Law Office in Wellington.

Ms Sim’s appointment is for three years