The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Dominion Post
December 7 2007

Objectivity is non-existent
Letter to the Editor
by Stuart Keene, Tauranga

Police are looking at the Scott Watson case based on information received recently about a two- masted ketch in the Marlborough Sounds in January 1998.


They had several eyewitnesses at the time who saw the ketch with someone on board similar in appearance to Olivia Hope.

So what is there to examine? What chance is there of an objective review?

The police have never objectively and impartially re-examined evidence. It has always taken a journalist to get at the truth -- look at Arthur Allan Thomas, Peter Ellis, David Bain and now Watson.

It's time police recognised their credibility in such cases is zero.

The street copper does a good job.

It's in high-profile cases where they come unstuck.