The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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Poneke’s Weblog
December 17 2007; 06:24

Breaking News in Civic case at noon today

This blog is foremost a work of journalism and that includes breaking news.

A breaking news story on the Christchurch Civic Creche case will be posted here at noon today. The story relates to a presentation at the Innocence Project conference in Wellington on Saturday. The conference and project are discussed in the article immediately below.

New research by the Otago University psychology department head, Professor Harlene Hayne, reveals that the interviews of Civic children conducted by Social Welfare specialist service interviewers in the lead-up to the 1993 trial of Peter Ellis were far worse than those of children in what even Sir Thomas Eichelbaum accepted was the worst American miscarriage of justice daycare abuse case.

Professor Hayne’s research explodes the fundamental conclusion of Sir Thomas’s 2001 ministerial inquiry into the Ellis case, that the Civic interviews were “best practice” and better than those in the completely discredited, similar 1988 Kelly Michaels “Wee Care” prosecution in Maplewood, New Jersey.