The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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The Press
December 22 2007

Peter Ellis: bureaucratic obstruction denies me justice
Letter to the Editor
by Peter Ellis, Leithfield Beach

A ministerial inquiry (March 2000), conducted by former Chief Justice Thomas Eichelbaum, and set up by Phil Goff, then Minister of Justice, failed at all levels catastrophically and by a distinct margin to deliver justice to me. (See the article by Ross Francis, in the New Zealand Law Journal November/December 2007).

The Justice Select Committee, chaired by Tim Barnett, in September 2005 recommended that in principle the Attorney-General and Solicitor-General not oppose my seeking leave to take my case to the Privy Council in London. This requires funding.

Attempts to gain the funding have been obstructed by bureaucracy at every turn.

Funding should be provided now to honour and give credibility to the select committee's decision. Anything less makes the process just another chapter of farce in the Peter Ellis Civic Creche Case. Justice further delayed is justice further denied.