The Christchurch Civic Creche Case

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October 14 2009; 16:57

Government rejects Peter Ellis inquiry

The Government has rejected a Commission of Inquiry into the Peter Ellis case.

Justice Minister Simon Power said today Mr Ellis had not exhausted all his appeal rights and he had concluded that a request for a Commission of Inquiry should be declined.

The call for an inquiry was led by former National leader Don Brash, ex-National MP Katherine Rich and author Lynley Hood.

Mr Power said Mr Ellis' counsel, Judith Ablett-Kerr QC, had previously signalled an intention to file an application for special leave to appeal to the Privy Council but had not yet done so.

Mr Ellis was convicted of 16 counts of indecency in 1993 related to his time as a worker at the Christchurch Civil Childcare Centre.

He was released from prison in 2000 after serving two-thirds of a 10-year sentence.