NZ Herald
January 8 2007; 15:40

No evidence of intruder in death of suffocated girl - Police

Detective Inspector Malcolm Johnston

Police have ruled out an intruder being responsible for the death of a 10-year-old Christchurch girl.

Police launched a homicide investigation after Charlene Makaza died in Christchurch Hospital early yesterday morning.

She was found in bed by her adoptive parents, an aunt and an uncle, at their home in the suburb of Bryndwr on Saturday having difficulty breathing.

Homicide investigation head Detective Inspector Malcolm Johnston said today an extensive scene examination found no evidence to suggest an intruder had broken into the family home, where Charlene and her 12-year-old sister had been living with their aunt and uncle and their two adult cousins after the death of their parents some years ago.

"We have really focused on the intruder issue and it doesn't appear that an intruder has entered the house," he said. "That was one of our priorities other than identifying who caused the injuries to Charlene."

Mr Johnston said the local community in the area would have been "justifiably concerned" if it appeared an intruder was on the loose.

"We're reasonably confident that's not the case."

Police had no reports of suspicious activity near the house at the weekend, he said.