NZ Herald
January 9 2007; 05:00

Police await test results in 'suffocated' girl case

Charlene Makaza

Police say it could be several weeks before they have test results that will shed more light on the mysterious death of a 10-year-old Christchurch girl.

They believe Charlene Makaza was suffocated by another person in the Christchurch home she shared with her uncle and aunt and extended family.

The girl was taken to get medical help after one of her caregivers found her having difficulty breathing in her bed on Saturday morning. She died about 1am on Sunday in Christchurch Hospital.

The possibility of an intruder having entered the house and inflicting the fatal injuries has all but been ruled out and death by natural causes was considered highly unlikely.

Detective Inspector Malcolm Johnston said a series of swabs and samples taken from Charlene's body had been sent away for further testing, but it could be a number of weeks before results were available.

Police were interested in any sign of injury or sexual assault but Mr Johnston would not say whether Charlene had such injuries.

Charlene had been living in New Zealand, under the care of her uncle and aunt, for about two years.

She was brought here for a better life several years after the death of her parents through illness.