One News
January 10 2007; 18:38

Police wait for more on girl's death

It appears Christchurch police are waiting for someone in Charlene Makaza's family to tell them what happened to the child.

A post-mortem suggests very strongly the 10-year-old girl was suffocated.

She died in hospital after the aunt caring for her discovered in her bed on Saturday morning struggling to breathe.

Police have carried out scene investigations but have found no evidence an intruder entered the house.

Detective Inspector Malcolm Johnson says five other people lived in the house - the child's aunt and uncle, two of their adult children and Charlene's 12-year-old sister.

Charlene and her sister were orphans. They were adopted and have been living in Christchurch with their uncle and aunt and their two adult children for the past two years.

Johnson says police have spoken with those in the house at the time of Charlene's death - and that they have a good rapport with the family and hope that continues.

Police have also spoken to another 20 people and may continue their inquiries with as many as 300 people