The Press
January 10 2007

Homicide investigation

The family at the scene of a homicide investigation into the death of a 10-year-old Christchurch girl is co-operating, police say.

Charlene Makaza died in Christchurch Hospital on Sunday after her aunt found her in bed suffering from breathing difficulties on Saturday.

Detective Inspector Malcolm Johnston said a post mortem pointed strongly to suffocation as the cause of Charlene's death.

"We don't believe the death was accidental. I'm not prepared to discuss any injuries she may or may not have," he said.

Police were still awaiting the results of further post-mortem forensic tests to determine the cause of Charlene's death. The results could take several weeks, Johnston said.

Police appreciated the co- operation of Charlene's family while they were grieving, he said. "Police have a very good rapport with the family."

Police were continuing inquiries with the family and had interviewed 25 people, he said.