NZ Herald
January 14 2007; 12:35

Police silent on Zimbabwean girl sex abuse claims

Charlene Makaza

AUCKLAND - Police today refused to comment on reports that Charlene Makaza's sister has been taken into care after allegations Charlene was sexually assaulted before she was killed.

Charlene, 10, was found in bed at her Christchurch home on January 6 unconscious and having difficulty breathing.

Doctors were unable to revive her and she died about 1am the next morning without regaining consciousness.

Hospital authorities notified police with concerns about the death and a homicide investigation was launched after a post mortem examination indicated Charlene appeared to have been suffocated.

A detective sergeant working on the case -- who did not want to be named -- told NZPA today police had no comment on media reports of allegations of sexual abuse or that Charlene's sister had been taken into care.

Yesterday the Weekend Herald, citing unnamed sources, reported Charlene was sexually assaulted by her killer before her death.

The Sunday Star Times said today Charlene's sister had been taken into care amid allegations someone sexually assaulted Charlene before killing her.

A Child Youth and Family (CYF) spokeswoman yesterday confirmed to the paper Charlene's sister had been taken into CYF custody, but would not say why.

Charlene and her 12-year-old sister moved from Zimbabwe after the deaths of their parents a couple of years ago to live with their aunt and uncle, and two cousins aged 20 and 24 at Hollyford Ave, in suburban Bryndwr.

Police said last week they were satisfied there was no evidence of an intruder having entered the two-storey weatherboard house.

Homicide investigation head Detective Inspector Malcolm Johnston said police were continuing to interview family members who were present in the house when Charlene was found unconscious.

Forensic test results from a second post mortem examination were not expected to be available "before the end of next week at the earliest", he said.

Mr Johnston refused to say if the involvement of a family lawyer had complicated matters for police.

Christchurch lawyer Susan Lewis confirmed she was acting for the family.