NZ Herald
January 15 2007; 05:00

Charlene's body still waiting in morgue

Charlene Makaza

The family of a 10-year-old Christchurch girl police believe was suffocated in her bed have yet to claim her body six days after the coroner released it for burial.

Zimbabwe immigrant Charlene Makaza was found in bed having breathing difficulties on January 6 and died without regaining consciousness early the next morning.

Police are saying little about progress in their homicide investigation.

Media reports that Charlene had been sexually abused before she was suffocated have drawn a firm "no comment" from homicide investigation head Detective Inspector Malcolm Johnston.

A Child Youth and Family spokeswoman has confirmed that Charlene's 12-year-old sister had been taken into care, but would not say why.

Charlene lived with her adoptive aunt and uncle in Christchurch and her sister and two cousins aged 20 and 24.

She and her sister emigrated from Zimbabwe about two years ago after the death of their parents some years earlier.

Police have ruled out any involvement of an intruder and are concentrating inquiries on interviews with members of the family who were at the house when she was found.

Police won't reveal the extent of Charlene's injuries and are awaiting results of a second post-mortem examination.

Mr Johnston said the family had been told several times that the coroner had signed the authority to release Charlene's body.