NZ Herald
January 30 2007; 15:05

Police go door-to-door in Charlene murder probe

Police are returning to the Christchurch neighbourhood where 10-year-old Charlene Makaza lived and, they suspect, received the injuries she died from.

The Zimbabwean immigrant died in the early hours of January 7 after being found in her bed unconscious and struggling to breathe the day before. She did not regain consciousness.

Christchurch Hospital authorities alerted police who began a homicide investigation.

Police later revealed Charlene had horrific injuries after being subjected to a violent sexual attack about the time she was suffocated.

Police officers will go door-to-door for the next three days, talking to people living on and around Hollyford Ave, in the Christchurch suburb of Bryndwr.

"The investigation team is continuing to talk to family and friends and associates of the family," Detective Inspector Malcolm Johnston said.

"We are very determined to get to the truth."

The final post-mortem and toxicology results were still some weeks away, he said.

"We are interested in hearing from anyone who knew Charlene or spoke to her recently before her death to establish if she told anyone of any concerns she may have had," Mr Johnston said.

Charlene and her 12-year-old sister moved from Zimbabwe after the deaths of their parents a couple of years ago to live with their aunt and uncle and two cousins aged 20 and 24 at the Hollyford Ave house.

Child Youth and Family has taken the 12-year-old into care since Charlene's death.

Earlier this month, police said they were satisfied there was no evidence of an intruder having entered the two-storey weatherboard house.