NZ Herald
February 3 2007; 11:35

Charlene's uncle charged with murder

The uncle of 10-year-old Charlene Makaza has appeared in court this morning charged with her murder.

The 54-year-old man charged with sexually violating and murdering his 10-year-old niece was refused interim name suppression in Christchurch District Court today.

George Evans Gwaze was not required to plead to charges that he murdered Charlene Nyasha Makaza in Christchurch between January 5 and 7.

Gwaze, a short, stocky man with curly black hair, also faces two charges of sexually violating Charlene on or about January 6.

Duty solicitor John O'Connell applied for interim name suppression, despite Gwaze being named in The Press newspaper today.

Mr O'Connell said interim name suppression, while perhaps a forlorn hope, was in the interests of Gwaze's family and would allow him to fully brief a lawyer before his next court appearance.

Justices of the Peace Nick Atkins and Stan Beavon pointed to the front page article in The Press but Mr O'Connell said his instructions were to make the application.

Police prosecutor Dave Joker opposed interim suppression, saying the police homicide investigation had gained a high public profile and Gwaze's name should not be kept secret.

The JPs refused the application.

Gwaze was remanded in custody until next Wednesday.

Several members of Charlene's family were in court for the brief hearing.

Charlene died early on January 7 after being found in bed, unconscious and struggling to breathe, the day before. She did not regain consciousness.

Police launched a homicide investigation after being alerted by hospital authorities and a post-mortem examination showed that Charlene appeared to have been suffocated.

A week-long scene examination at the two-storey weatherboard house where Charlene lived with her aunt, uncle, her 12-year-old sister and two adult cousins produced no evidence of an intruder.

All members of the family were present in the Hollyford Ave, Bryndwr, house when Charlene was found incapacitated.

Police later revealed that she had suffered horrific injuries from a violent sexual attack about the time she was suffocated.

Charlene's sister was taken into care by Child Youth and Family after police began the homicide investigation.

The pair had emigrated from Zimbabwe about two years ago after the deaths of their parents some years earlier.

Members of the Christchurch Zimbabwean community, school friends and family farewelled Charlene in a funeral service at the Hornby Community Centre on Janurary 20 -- 13 days after her violent death.