NZ Herald
February 7 2007; 11:55

Charlene's uncle to deny murder - court told

CHRISTCHURCH - A Zimbabwean immigrant would deny charges that he sexually violated and murdered his 10-year-old niece, Christchurch District Court was told today.

George Evans Gwaze, 54, made a second brief appearance in court today after being charged last Friday with murdering Charlene Nyasha Makaza in Christchurch between January 5 and 7.

Gwaze was refused name suppression at his first court hearing on Saturday.

He also faces two charges of sexually violating Charlene on or about January 6.

In court today, Gwaze's lawyer, Jonathan Eaton, told Judge Patricia Costigan the charges would be "categorically denied".

Mr Eaton said he intended to apply for bail for Gwaze but it was more appropriate at this stage to wait for full disclosure of the police case against him "before entering the bail debate".

Mr Eaton said he reserved the right to apply for bail when Gwaze next appeared in court.

Judge Costigan remanded Gwaze in custody to March 1.

Several members of Charlene's adoptive family were again in court for the two-minute hearing today.

Charlene died early on January 7 after being found unconscious and struggling to breathe the day before. She was taken to Christchurch Hospital but died without regaining consciousness.

Hospital authorities alerted police, who launched a homicide investigation after a post mortem examination indicated that Charlene had been suffocated.

Police said a week-long scene examination at the Hollyford Ave house where Charlene lived with Gwaze, her aunt, her 12-year-old sister and two adult cousins produced no evidence of an intruder's involvement in her death.

All members of the family were present at the house when Charlene was found incapacitated.

Police later revealed she had suffered horrific injuries from a violent sexual attack about the time she was suffocated.

Charlene's sister was taken into care by Child Youth and Family when police began their homicide investigation.

The youngsters had emigrated from Zimbabwe about two years ago after the deaths of their parents some years earlier.

Members of the Christchurch Zimbabwe community, school friends and family farewelled Charlene at a funeral service on January 20 -- nearly a fortnight after her violent death.