Nehanda Radio
August 29 2007

Gwaze granted strict bail over alleged murder of niece

Charlene Makaza was sexually violated before being murdered

Zimbabwean man alleged to have sexually violated and murdered his 10-year-old niece has been granted bail after his second bail hearing in the High Court in Christchurch.

Justice Panckhurst refused bail this month for George Evans Gwaze at a hearing in which most details were suppressed, but Gwaze was yesterday granted bail on strict terms after a re-application by lawyer Jonathan Eaton.

Gwaze, on remand in Christchurch Men's Prison, was allowed bail by the same judge subject to the condition he lives with a 27-year-old daughter in Auckland. He will be released after travel arrangements have been made.

Further bail conditions are that Gwaze's passport remain with police, that he not apply for any other travel authority or documents, that he report regularly to police, not travel out of Auckland, not associate with witnesses, and that he keep to a midnight to 7am curfew.

Gwaze's family will be allowed to visit but not to stay at the property. Gwaze is charged with murdering Charlene Makaza – his niece and adopted daughter– in January, and faces two counts of sexually violating her. -Press