The Press
May 9 2008

Gwaze interview played
by Dean Calcott

A Christchurch man accused of murdering and sexually violating his adopted daughter said he "had nothing to do" with her injuries.

The High Court in Christchurch heard yesterday that George Evans Gwaze was interviewed by police after Christchurch Hospital staff became suspicious about injuries suffered by Charlene Makaza, 10.

Charlene was taken to hospital on January 6 last year and died the next day.

Gwaze, 56, denies a charge of murder and two counts of sexual violation.

In a video interview with Detective Paul Johannsen, before Charlene had died, Gwaze said he was at a loss to explain what had happened to the girl and denied having anything to do with her condition.

"No. I can put a cross to my forehead and believe in God. No, not me," Gwaze said.

Johannsen told Gwaze that doctors said the injuries must have occurred within the 24 hours before Charlene arrived at hospital, at a time when she was either in the company of family members or at home in bed.

Gwaze replied he could not imagine how it could have happened.

He said Charlene was a "darling to all in the house", and it could only have been an outsider who caused the injuries.

"I had nothing to do with this at all," he said.

He said the house was normally locked up, but one of the upstairs windows was open that night.

After Charlene died, about 1am on January 7, Gwaze provided a DNA sample and underwent a police medical examination.

Further video interviews with Gwaze will be played to the court today